Das sind doch alles Vollidioten

A magazine for 2.5 euros... acceptable. For 3... acceptable. For 4... acceptable, but it should be really good. For 5...no, just no. Today I was at the supermarket and I saw this dutch magazine 'the good life', it looked qualitatively very good, but, no. I also saw a magazine about Paris, but it looked like crap, and that for 4.5 euros. What?

Personnally I think that magazines in France and Germany are the nicest. You can see that there's thought about the lay out and content. More than in Belgian/Dutch magazines I think. Also I think those magazines are way more creative than Belgian/Dutch ones. 
But, not all the magazines of my country are crap... I really like De Standaard Magazine and De Morgen Magazine. Especially the new version of De Standaard Magazine, the covers are always nice, I think.

Okay so this was me, blabbing about magazines, something else now:
Tomorrow I'm going to the library to get Breakfast at Tiffany's (since we have to compare a book with a film for our English class, and Breakfast at Tiffany's is known to be a thin, easy book).

And this was it I suppose!


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